La La La – Someone help get me to land.

Screen Writing

From the day I first heard about La La Land I had a gut feeling that I didn’t need to see it.  After hearing so many raves and how it was an Oscar darling I felt obligated to at least view it once.  I should have followed my gut.  I have not been so bored in a film in years.  In no way is it an homage to the old time musical films.  It is a disgrace to the genre.

The characters are so thin they are like weak tea.  The singing is awful.  Nothing grabbed me nor gave me the feel of a real fantasy.  Lighting was decent but the whole film had a flat look.  Editing was fair as was the directing.

I am at a total loss to understand the fuss about this film.  I have been wrong before but to even mention this film in the same level as Manchester By The Sea, for example, would be an insult.

2 Responses to La La La – Someone help get me to land.

  1. Saw Manchester by the Sea, last week, & agree it was quite
    well-acted! Casey Affleck portrayed a lot of deep emotion, with his troubled character~~~ The teen-ager was very believable & quick-witted, @ times.

  2. See it now! Bob, where's your open-mind to a hot young couple meeting awkwardly & sharing their dreams together, or apart? I liked the coincidental early meetings & run-ins, but the film does pick up steam after the first hour, about half-way through. A few corny songs can be overlooked by the gently-flowing love drama unfolding. Handsome couple, with good chemistry, really grabbed me. Felt a faint tear when I heard one word, by a casting director, which would change her life... 'Paris.' Feared that a separation like that would doom their shaky love-tie proved to be correct. The director leads us down a path, in current times, to a unique surprise ending, that left me sad & happy, to the whims & ways of Hollywood! Relax & let the screen tell you a story; you already know it, but liked to be reminded what it's like to be back in your twenties again~~~