Joyland (2022)

Joyland (2022)

Joyland (2022)

Joyland (2022) is a Pakistani trans-cis film that I could have a fantastic time using for a film analysis class. In fact if it is streaming soon enough I will substitute it for one of the films I have chosen for my fall class. After initially being banned in its home country, it became Pakistan’s entry for Best International Film to the Oscars.

Starting with absolutely superb cinematography involving shots, framing, angles, colors, lighting etc. All are involved in the storytelling. So much is conveyed, even without the words. There is direct meaning, indirect meaning, metaphoric images and symbolic images. The culture and its effect on the characters is strongly portrayed but not as strong as each of the characters inner torment. They are trapped in every possible way. Each of the primary characters is looking for self-identity and recognition. I have to admit to looking at my watch a couple of times–not out of boredom but rather out of discomfort. But watch I did because this was such a compelling film, draining but exciting.

“Tartly funny and plungingly sad in equal measure, this is nuanced, humane queer filmmaking, more concerned with the textures and particulars of its own intimate story than with grander social statements”   Guy Lodge, Variety

One Response to Joyland (2022)

  1. I am definitely going to see this. I read your recommendation and watched the trailer.