Catching Up On Some Films

Finally saw Tar again -with hearing assist this time. Still think it is a very good film and most importantly Cate Blanchett gives a performance that is sure to get her many award nominations.

Director Park Chan-wook’s Decision to Leave, is an intense psychological adventure. It keeps you trying to put the pieces together during the whole film. From a film elements perspective the gripping imagery is excellent. I am not sure whether it is the editing or the script that kept me confused a lot of the time. Yet I walked out saying, that was a beautiful film.

The Banshees of Inishering –Full of metaphors, fantastic photography of the island and sea, some drama, some comedy and a puzzling tale. Despite the two better known male stars in the co-lead, the best actor in the film, in my opinion, is Kerry Condon whose performance deserves a Best Supporting Actor nomination.

All Quiet on the Western Front (2022 – Netflix. Germany’s submission for Best International Film at the Oscars) I was not impressed by this latest rendering of Erich Maria Remarque’s novel. The plot was there but told in a muddled way. This is the first time the story has been put on in the screen in the German language rather than German names English speaking actors. The attempt to show the carnage of war was not convincing. In an early scene, the bodies lying on the ground were very obviously part of a painting. The acting was lacking. The Director/Writer added too man y side stories that added nothing to the film.

Louis Armstrong’s Black and Blues–a somewhat entertaining but mediocre documentary.

I did see a number of other foreign language films at the Chicago International Film Festival but I will save my comments until they are released.

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