From Bob’s Screening Room

Five for Five – Human Emptiness is a solid theme yet final result is true enjoyment

I have just completed a stretch of seeing five films over 5 consecutive nights.  Although not an intended theme when I chose the films, all five shared at least one theme dealing with human emptiness.  The five were  Hologram for A King, Love and Friendship, Fireworks Wednesday, The Meddler and Papa Hemingway in Cuba.  Just… Continue Reading

Cinema is Under Attack

I have previously commented on my negative feelings toward people watching films on tablets, phones, even computer monitors.  I also have a full chapter on the subject in my book.  The New York Times film critics have joined together for an excellent column on the real danger to large screen cinema   My concern is… Continue Reading

88th Oscars and The Vibes — Tell The Story of Filmmaking

The 88th Academy Awards production had a very different feel to it from those of recent years. All to the plus. Introductory presentations were crisper without the slapstick comedy that often occurred between presenters and acceptance speeches were crisper, to the point and most importantly shorter. All the other fifty thank-you acknowledgment scrolled by on… Continue Reading

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

As each of the film awards were announced at the Golden Globes I kept hearing Gomer Pyle’s classic exclamation in my head.  It was really good to see so many winners genuinely shocked at winning beginning with the very first presentation to Kate Winslet for her performance in Steve Jobs.  Winslet told reporters backstage that… Continue Reading

Blog site is active

The new blog site is now active.  There are  several  posts already up.  It is connected to both Facebook and Twitter. I will be blogging about film on at least a weekly basis with film analyses (not reviews) and material on learning about film elements.   If this is to be successful, please be sure… Continue Reading

The Beginnings

Several years ago as I was leaving the practice of law, I decided I wanted to learn more about my passion – movies. I had always been a cinephile but I wanted to understand the intricacies better with the thought of perhaps becoming a film critic. I returned to my alma mater and audited a… Continue Reading