Sam Mendes on Cinematographers With Whom He Has Worked

Sorry, I should have read further before the last post. Here are Director Sam Mendes comments on cinematographers at the festival:

“He acknowledged the cinematographers with whom he has worked, starting with the late Hall, who won Oscars for Mendes’ first two movies, American Beauty and Road to Perdition (posthumously). “Conrad was my guide, and ever since Conrad, cinematographers always have been my guide,” he said to applause.

Mendes has worked with Deakins for the past 15 years and said that partnership “has given me more pleasure and more joy than any collaboration that I ever had in movies.”

Accepting his award, the director also cited his latest film, the Deakins-lensed, cinema-set Empire of Light. “On the wall of the cinema, right at the beginning of the film, is written, ‘Find Where Light in Darkness Lies.’ That is all of our jobs. It’s the work of the cinematographer, and it my great pleasure to have shed some tiny light in the dark.”

The Hollywood Reporter

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